Friday, March 5, 2010

My FarmVille

A couple of celery sprouts came up overnight. I planted these Feb 22nd along with the broccoli that came up so fast. 12 days ain't bad, right?

Here we have the little sprout farm setup with the sprouting terrarium and the egg cartons, with potting mix and extra vermiculite stirred in for water retention (according to the Square Foot Gardening book).

The sprouts in the foreground are the broccoli (which have grown quite large) and the two celery (there are supposed to be 8 total) that finally appeared.

The bulk of the egg carton cells contain bunching onion, marigold, and zinnia seed/sprouts. The onion seeds are new this season so they're germinating just fine. I've had a 50% success rate with the 2 year old zinnia seed (3/6), and much worse results with the 1 year old marigold seed (5/18).

I didn't mark the one marigold variety that did come up successfully (there are 3 varieties sewn in there: Burpee's Yellow Boy, Chameleon, and Scarlet Starlet), so I have no idea which packet is producing results. Oh well...I threw some Yellow Boy in the empty cells so we'll see if those are the winners. Plenty of time to get this going right?


  1. Look at you!! So cool to be able to eat what you grow!

  2. Looking forward to trying to sprout flower seeds this year indoors. I'm sick of paying a fortune for them at the garden store since we need so many flowers for our front area. Lots of mine are about a year old...or it should be interesting to see how they do.

    BTW, there's nothing dull about seedlings :)
