Friday, April 30, 2010

My FarmVille: Week 8

This week I mowed the lawn, and did a lot of work on the bed over there by the garage wall.

I tied up the currant branches so they're not laying on the ground, and I put some trellis netting and strings on the wooden frame in back. I removed all of the hay, conditioned the soil, and put down black paper mulch. Finally I installed the 2-tier tomato cage next to the wooden frame.

I planted the Greek oregano and Cosmonaut Volkov tomato plants I bought at the Coop earlier in the week (I also bought a paste tomato plant but it died mysteriously of multiple stem injuries). I also seeded all of the pole beans, a zucchini, and round one of the corn. The celery starts are ready to go into the ground between the broccoli plants, just as soon as the shade gets over there.

The nasturtiums I planted under the cherry bushes started coming up, so that's a relief. I wasn't sure I'd ever see those.

I'm still waiting on some impatiens and basil plants, and sweet potato roots from Burpee, and I'm a bit surprised that some of those haven't arrived yet given my zone. I know...patience, patience, patience. Pretty soon these beds will be all planted up and I can just sit back and watch everything grow.

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