Monday, March 23, 2009

Yin and Yawn

Jackie and Mr. M are curled up on the futon behind me while I work this morning. The mornings are still pretty cold so this may last a few more weeks.

Dave and I had a pretty standard weekend. We went to check out JoJo's in the Strip for breakfast Saturday. The prices were dirt cheap, but the food was not very exciting, and they don't heat the place. It was freezing! People rave about this place, maybe they were drunk?

Later in the day we stopped in at Games Unlimited on Murry Ave, and picked up a jigsaw puzzle of San Francisco.

Dave is so proud!

I started clearing the garden bed on the south side of the garage yesterday. This was a bed I let run wild last summer because I just didn't have the energy to tackle a jungle of morning glory.

Before (last summer):

Watch it bring you to your
shun n,n,n,n,n,n,n knees, knees!

I didn't even get very far because there are so many weeds to root out, but it's a start.


I'm digging in the dirt
Stay with me I need support

The weather got fair again over the weekend, and another crocus came up.

I love purple!

The neighbor's cats are back outside on their tethers on a daily basis. They're much friendlier now that they know I have the power to give them treats.

Oden begs for a tummy rub

1 comment:

  1. I just totally freaked out Mr M with our virtual kitty (see right side of blog). He's been sniffing all around my desk since hearing the kitty meow and purr.
